
Marina near Poseritz

Last edited 19.01.2023 at 15:55 by Raoul, Mootje


54° 16’ 42.6” N


13° 20’ 1.1” E


Small clean sports boat harbour in the northern part of the Puddeminer Wiek.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is only possible during the day. From the Strelasund fairway you steer from buoy 22 with 358° to buoy P2 of the Puddemin fairway and then continue in the buoyed fairway to the harbour, keeping exactly to the buoy line. The Puddemin fairway has a strong tendency to silting up (see NV.Aktuell, series 4, Mindertiefen).

In the Gleiwitz and Puddemin Wiek, except for the anchorage area near Üselitz (see S39), only navigation in the buoyed channel is permitted (NSG)


There is always a free place at the concrete pier (1,5 - 1,8m water depth).


All jetty and shore berths have water and electricity connections. There are modern sanitary facilities in the harbour master's building. However, further supply facilities are only available in Garz, 5.5 km to the north.

NV Land Guide

Unfortunately, this modernized port is an example of how one makes the nature garaus. The concrete quay, concrete road directly in front of the berths and in the background a strikingly painted apartment building do not allow a feel-good atmosphere.

Puddemin consists of a few houses, a few paddocks, a huge reed field and the halls of a former "agricultural production cooperative" at a distance of 100 m from the port. There is no shop in the settlement, but at least there is a bus stop.

There is nothing worth seeing in Puddemin. For that you have to go to Garz, where a visit to the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Museum might tempt the culturally interested.

 Garz is  the oldest town on Rügen and was an important base of the princes of the tribe of the Ranen in Slavic times. The castle Charenza is said to have stood on the still existing castle rampart. According to Nordic traditions, the seven-headed god Rugiavit was worshipped in its temple. The multi-headedness was a special feature of Slavic god images (see also Ralswiek and Breege), to which wooden temples were built and sacrifices were made, including human sacrifices.

The peninsula of Zudar, which was already settled in Slavic times, is also among the recommended destinations for excursions. Several megalithic tombs bear witness to the original inhabitants. On the way there, you pass the Schoritzer Wiek nature reserve on the left, where cormorants have built their nests on the island in the Wiek. All the trees on the islet present a ghostly picture. They are completely dead due to the corrosive excrement of the birds. Other barrows, village churches and manor houses are among the sights in the vicinity of Puddemin.

Ernst Moritz Arndt (1769-1860), the political publicist and, patriotic poet, is considered the driving force of the anti-Napoleonic wars of liberation. At the same time, he was a staunch opponent of a powerful aristocracy and advocated a unified social state.

For the nobility, Arndt was a "preacher of disobedience"; for the people, he was an eloquent patriot whose language they understood. Last but not least, he was a humanist, though with his uncompromising hostility to Napoleon he was not without controversy among intellectuals. Despite the hostility of the arch-conservatives, he succeeded in exerting an extraordinary influence on the political events of his time. This was especially true in the years from 1812 to 1816, when the farmer's son, born in 1769 in Groß Schoritz, reached the height of his popularity. He became the most widely read publicist of the wars of liberation. Yet he was a propagandist from the innermost conviction - without a client.

After the liberation from Napoleonic troops, he was a thorn in the side of the princes with his uncomfortable political demands, as he continued to demand the elimination of feudal dependency.

The reactionaries persecuted him and judicially condemned him to silence. But even at the age of 70, he returned the favor in his "Memoirs from Outer Life" and, two years before his death, revived the patriotic era in "My Wanderings with the Imperial Baron von Stein." At the same time, in writing about Stein and the events of the days of his liberation struggle, he leaves behind a unique personal description of the great reformer von Stein. In 1860 Ernst Moritz Arndt was buried in Bonn.

It is less well known that Arndt was also the author of fairy tales and legends. One of his fantastic tales of the witch "Thrin Wulfen" is set between Schoritz and Puddemin, where, according to Arndt, the small village of Güntz was located. The witch had the urge to cast spells on everything and everyone, to the advantage of her own family, of course, and to the disadvantage of the neighbours, who always wondered why the Wulfens' cattle were so fat, while their own suddenly dropped dead in the pasture. One day, however, when the witch, enchanted as a cat, wanted to clean out the pastor's larder, the man of God, lying in wait, defended himself with a rifle load of buckshot. From then on, the witch limped and, when the urge to cast spells overtook her, she couldn't get to her neighbor's animals fast enough. And so she bewitched her own cattle, became completely impoverished and lost her husband, who left the house in fear of her sorcerous arts.

In this "fairy tale" Arndt probably also deals with the sad truth of the persecution of witches and the superstition, which was still strong among the common people in his time, with ironic side blows. Around his birthplace alone there are two witch mountains, a Teufelsberg and a Hexenbusch . And - as in many fairy tales - to the west of Groß Schoritz "mischief" and "heaven" lie very close together.

Marina Information

Max Depth 1.8 m


Phone +49 172 3507156
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Website https://hafen-puddemin.de/










Raoul, Mootje
Puddemin ist ein traumhafter Hafen...a. Gr. seines geringen Tiefgangs direkt vor dem Hafen (Angabe ca. 1,5m) ist es für die größeren Yachten so gut wie unmöglich einzulaufen. Beim Hafenmeister bekommt man einige regionale Spezialitäten (Wurst u.ä.) sowie einige Dekoartikel...daneben ist auch für ein kaltes Anlegerbier gesorgt, falls die eigene Kühlung leer sein sollte. Die Sanitäranlagen sind i.O....der Hafen besticht durch seine ruhige und idyllische Lage.
28.07.2021 18:34

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