Oberflächenströmung im Großen Belt


Last edited 11.03.2024 at 17:50 by NV Charts Team


55° 3’ 55.7” N


11° 5’ 10” E


The current in the Great Belt is mainly dependent on the general weather situation over the North and Baltic Seas and is therefore very variable.

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southern current
Winds from west over north to NNE cause mostly south setting currents. Especially wind from NW lets the current start very soon. In the fairway east of Sprogö often strong currents of 2-3 kn or more occur. Southeast of Kerteminde there is often a counter current. Often there is a south current on one side of the belt, while a north current runs on the other side.

North setting current Winds from NNE over east and south to WSW normally cause a northerly current. In the fairway east and west of Sprogö there is often a strong current of 2 kn. Just below the south-east coast of Langeland and on the west coast of Lolland there are occasional counter currents. Often there is north setting current on one side of the belt, while south setting current is running on the other side.


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