Gewässer um Rügen, Unterwasserrohrleitung in Bau/ underwater pipeline under construction

Navinfo near Küstengewässer einschließlich Anteil am Festlandsockel

Last edited 14.01.2024 at 16:57 by NV Charts Team


54° 18’ 55.1” N


13° 48’ 16.9” E


Valid from 21.08.2023

In the sea area between Landtief and Lubmin, until further notice, extensive construction works related to the laying of a submarine pipeline will take place along the following positions:

a) 54°08,721'N 013°38,210'E
b) 54°09,652'N 013°36,519'E
c) 54°11,200'N 013°36,250'E
d) 54°13,471'N 013°38,714'E
e) 54°14,242'N 013°42,089'E
f) 54°18,920'N 013°48,281'E

There may be more than one according to KVR resp. SeeSchStrO marked
vessels, maneuvering disabled vessels, floating equipment/facilities, exceptional floating bodies, push/tow units,
vehicles/work platforms moving by means of tie lines,
high speed craft and
traffic control vehicles
as well as underwater vehicles/equipment, ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) and, if necessary. Divers may be deployed.

In case of need, contact shall be made with the above units via VHF channel 09 (Wolgast Traffic) or 16. The instructions of the Warnemünde traffic control center must be followed.

Closures of fairways and shipping lanes, safety distances to be maintained from construction vehicles/work equipment, other specific restrictions and information about individual special construction activities will be communicated via the Warnemünde traffic control center, the traffic control vehicles on site and, if necessary, via the sea warning service Emden.

The work areas are to be bypassed at a safe distance and with increased attention, caution and consideration.

Along the pipeline route, temporary explosive ordnance finds and temporarily deployed measuring and marking buoys are to be expected.

Anchoring or fishing in the area of the pipeline route is not permitted.


Actinia Frui Vitae, Actinia
14.01.2024 15:57

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