Sepurine - Privic

Marina near Prvić Luka

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 19:10 by NV Charts Team


43° 43’ 59.9” N


15° 47’ 10.9” E


Sepurine - small fishing village with old houses and narrow streets on the west side of Privic Island with two churches, restaurants and the supermarket right on the pier. The small local boat harbour now has 2m water depth at the pier but is prone to silting up. The ferry dock with green fire on the pier must remain clear. There are some moorings out in the south of the bay, in Uvala Trestiica, they belong to the restaurant on the shore and are free to guests. There is a beautiful circular walk around the island, past the olive, pomegranate and fig trees. Benches and canobas invite you to take a break on the 2-3 hour path and you will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the mainland and the Sibenik archipelago.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2 m








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