Gieselau Kanal - Schleuse & Brücke

Marina near Oldenbüttel

Last edited 04.04.2024 at 15:47 by Sahertrich, Kasaelli


54° 10’ 56.3” N


9° 26’ 24.1” E


Good place to stay overnight for a NOK passage or the starting port of an Eider passage. Plenty of places alongside the jetty. No provisioning facilities, but heavenly tranquillity.
This is an official berth for pleasure craft on the Kiel Canal and must be reached before the end of the day trip time for pleasure craft from the NOK.

NV Cruising Guide


When large ships pass through the NOK, there is a lot of swell in the canal, which you should definitely take into account when locking and mooring.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m



Teilweise starke Strömung durch Passage tiefgehender Fahrzeuge im NOK. Am Steg kein Strom, kein Trinkwasser, keine Liegegebühr.
13.09.2022 15:50
Holger, Kiwi
Aktuell ist der Anlieger links unterbrochen. Ein Zugang zur Straße dahinter ist gesichert.
11.08.2022 15:02
hans.bruechert, African Queen
Sehr schön ruhig
13.09.2020 08:17

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