26° 33.023' NLongitude
77° 3.164' WDescription
NV Cruising Guide
From the north, the indistinctive entrance to Marsh Harbour can be difficult to spot. Lights on Outer Point and Inner Point are unreliable. Steer a course for Outer Point, which should be given a wide berth of at least 200 yards.Leave Inner Point about 50 yards to port. Favor the northern side of the entrance to keep clear of the large shoal extending from Big Cay. The channel here has a controlling depth of 2.1 m. Once inside, two channels direct traffic in the harbor. One runs east from the entrance to the Conch Inn & Marina and the other marks the path southeast to the customs dock, frequented by mail boats and small freighters. Do not confuse these channels, as crossing between them may result in a grounding. Markers for these channels are often missing. Once inside Inner Point, turn immediately to port and follow an easterly course toward the marinas. Berthing: In Marsh Harbour, The Port of Call, Harbour View, Conch Inn, and Marsh Harbour marinas offer berths and gas and diesel to the cruising boater. Long’s Landing and Mangoes Marina also have transient slips.
Marina Information
Max Depth | 1.8 m |







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