Visiter Centrum Nationalpark Cabrera

Sightseeing near Palma

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 01:51 by NV Charts Team


39° 8’ 24.6” N


2° 55’ 37.1” E


Here lies the:
Visiter Centrum National Park Cabrera
Tel. 971656282

Opening hours: 1 Feb - 30 Nov.
10: 00 - 14:00h + 15: 00 - 18:00h
[email protected]

The coasts of the Cabrera Islands are the most pristine in Spain. On the islands there are large colonies of marine birds and animal and plant species that are unique to Cabrea. The Cabrera National Park is also a European bird sanctuary.


The coasts of the Cabrera Islands are the most pristine in Spain. On the islands there are large colonies of marine birds and animal and plant species that are found only on Cabrea. The Cabrera National Park is also a European bird sanctuary.


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