Puig Mayor - Serra de Tramuntana

Sightseeing near Escorca

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 01:36 by NV Charts Team


39° 48’ 19.2” N


2° 47’ 18.7” E


In 2011, the Serra de Tramuntana was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This impressive mountain range, almost 90 kilometres long, stretches  from Andratx in the southwest to Cap Formentor in the north.
The highest peak in Mallorca is the Puig Major is also the highest mountain in the Balearics at 1,445m. The Tramuntana Range was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2011 as an area of great physical and cultural importance.

The Tramuntana Mountains is an example of the interplay of Islamic and Western culture, and working in harmony with nature. The traditional irrigation methods from the time of the Moorish occupation of Mallorca, and dry-stone walls that are still intact today are characteristic features of this mountain landscape - farming under difficult conditions for centuries.

The highest peak of Mallorca is 'Puig Major', which is also the highest mountain of the Balearic Islands - 1,445m. The area around the Tramuntana Range was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2011 as an area of great physical and cultural importance.


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