Tisno Brücke - Öffnungszeiten

Navinfo near Tisno

Last edited 02.09.2024 at 16:17 by NV Charts Team


43° 48’ 2.1” N


15° 38’ 42” E


Tisno Bridge:

Crossing height:  1.3m with the bridge closed

Caution: The shallowest point is east under the bridge, the water depth is 1.8m at low water.

In the Adriatic Sea, tidal fluctuations are very small - from 0.1 to 1m. Strong winds often cause much larger water level fluctuations.

Bridge hours summer:

  • 15.05. -01.09 daily 09:00 +17:00 for 30 min

Outside this time:    Mon + Wed - Fri 09:00 -09:30

max speed 6kn - the current in the narrows can be 5kn and the direction is variable.


Rudolf Siegert, MV Nordkapp K9
siehe www.tz-tisno.hr/hr/planiranje-putovanja/korisne-informacije/raspored-dizanja-mosta/ demnach sind die Öffnungszeiten jetzt: 01.06. - 15.09. - täglich 09:00 – 09:20 Uhr und 18:00 – 18:20 Uhr 16.09. - 31.05. - Montag und Freitag 09:00 – 09:20 Uhr
02.09.2024 16:17
Oliver Plum, Le Plaisir
Die Brücke öffnet im Nachmittag um 18:00 Uhr
26.06.2022 20:06

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