
Navinfo near Neißemünde

Last edited 26.02.2023 at 22:11 by NV Charts Team


52° 4’ 14.7” N


14° 45’ 17.8” E


Designated sports boat mooring in Ratzdorf. In the immediate vicinity is a small pontoon bridge for passenger ships. Restaurant & supply possibilities in the place (no fuels).
Here the Lausitzer Neiße flows into the Oder. The border river between Poland and Germany can be navigated on both sides up to Guben (km 14.8). From Guben upstream the Lusatian Neisse becomes a state water, here separate regulations apply. The WT at MW is approx. 1.0 m, the ZHG 12 km/h. The Neiße is a border river with Poland along its entire length, the same regulations apply as on the Oder.
Caution, during prolonged drought, water depths of the Neiße can be far below the specified value. In spring, the river can also be extremely high water, that there may be problems with the clearance height at some bridges. Before driving on the river, it is essential to obtain the current water level reports for the Neiße, or read the water levels.


Michael Reh, Mandy
Der Fahrgastanleger Ratzdorf ist derzeit demontiert, es gibt nur die Sportbootliegestelle. Die Neiße ist Landesschifffahrtsstraße und darf nur mit muskelbetriebenen Fahrzeugen befahren werden.
26.02.2023 22:11

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