Am Ilmenau Sturmflutsperrwerk

Navinfo near Winsen (Luhe)

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 08:50 by NV Charts Team


53° 23’ 37.7” N


10° 10’ 42.5” E


At the Ilmenau storm surge barrier (DH 7.2m) the 28.6 km long Ilmenau waterway opens. It connects the port of Lüneburg with the Elbe via 3 locks and can be navigated by vessels with a maximum length of 45 m and a width of 6.2 m. The waterway to the lock at Fahrenholz depends on the water level of the Elbe. The WT up to the lock Fahrenholz depends on the Elbe water level and is 2.4 m at MNW. At an Elbe water level of 2.9 m above sea level (3.3 m in winter) the storm surge barrier is closed. Above Fahrenholz lock, the water level at NW is at least 1.25 m and above Bardowick at least 0.9 m. The DH is continuously above 4 m, the zHG is 7 km/h.
Lock operating hours: 1.4. - 31.10. daily from 8 am - 4 pm. Accessibility: Fahrenolz 04197-325, Wittorf 04133-7126, Bardowick 04131-12207.


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