Grabow Hubbrücke / Lifting Bridge

Navinfo near Grabow

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 03:00 by NV Charts Team


53° 16’ 49” N


11° 33’ 44.8” E


Lifting bridge Grabow opens daily at the following times by appointment:

01.01. - 31.03. no operation

01.04. - 30.09.: 10.00 h; 11.30 h; 13.00 h; 14.30 h; 16.00 h; 17.30 h; 18.30 h

01.10. - 30.11.: 10.00 h; 11.30 h; 13.00 h; 14.30 h; 16.00 h; (17.00 h only in October)

01.12. - 31.12. no operation

Registration at the call centre or by phone: +49 3871 451 759

Affected NV Charts:NV Binnen 2 MEW10, S.56

Dated: 27.05.2020


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