Ueckermünde - Stadtanleger / Stadthafen
Marina near Ueckermünde (Klockenberg)

53° 44.148' NLongitude
14° 2.98' EDescription
Picturesque harbor on the Uecker directly in the city center of Ueckermünde.
NV Cruising Guide
Due to the many fish traps on both sides of the Ueckermünde estuary, you should keep to the fairway. From the Ueckermünde beacon, a searchlight should be used in the dark, as the course of the river is not lit until the harbor (approx. 1.5 nm away). The shallowest water depth in the middle of the fairway is 2.9m.
Well-developed Ueckermünde town
harbor, which extends right up to the bascule bridge. With the
exception of the moorings for passenger boats/authority vehicles
and the turning circle, it is possible to moor anywhere. Sanitary
facilities can be found on the north side of the tourist
information building and harbour master's office of the town
The district town offers very good supply options. There are sanitary facilities, three small boatyards, slipways and a ship chandlery. The extensive Ueckermünde Heath is an ideal destination for excursions.
In the historic town center around the market square, there is a good selection of cafés, restaurants, hotels, a bakery and a brewery with locally brewed beer.
South of the bascule bridge, there are boatyards on both banks of the Uecker with a wide range of services (including a crane, engine workshop, rigging service) and moorings as well as winter storage.
Bridge openings can be found in the bridge POI.
NV Land Guide
At the turn of the millennium, Slavs founded the first settlement here in a strategically favorable location, presumably on the hill where a castle stands today. The moors and shallow water areas offered them protection from enemy attacks. The settlement developed into the Rochow fort, from which the German bailiwick of Ueckermünde emerged after Christianization. The town charter was granted in 1260. "U.U." is written under the town symbol, which means Urbs Ucra: town on the Uecker, with the griffin in the coat of arms.
Not much has survived from this period. Only the remains of the town wall in some of the building bases in Gartenstraße and the castle hill on the Uecker are evidence of the early Middle Ages. In addition, the densely packed houses of the old town on the Sandlinse and the grid-like network of streets are still reminiscent of the founding years.
The south wing of the Renaissance castle is the focal point and landmark of the town. The summer castle courtyard concerts are special festive events. The castle is also home to the Haffmuseum, where you can learn more about the history of the castle and the town. The ten permanent exhibitions also include the prehistory and early history of the district, fishing, shipping and shipbuilding. The entrance tickets to the museum show the medieval view of the town on the back. Anyone who buys a medieval "letter of safe conduct" from the "Magistrahts," can read the following text and thus obtain permission: "in the whole of the town - including the buildings and outbuildings - with man and horse and cart together with wife, children, wives, servants and maidens (if they belong to him) within three days, from six bells in the morning to ten bells in the evening, as they ring from St. Mary's and from the night bell. Marien and sounded by the night watchman, pass freely through all gates. All town servants, gatekeepers and constables are to be helpful to the guest - unless it is suspected that he is carrying contraband, is drunk, making noise and harassing women and virgins - for which he is to be arrested..."
The canal-like development of the Uecker estuary, the Ueckerkopf, took place around 1800. The bank reinforcements planted with rows of trees on both sides provide a picturesque backdrop for incoming sailors. The procurement talent of one citizen saved the avenue from the chainsaw in GDR times. He organized an iron sheet pile wall - an absolute rarity at the time.
The zoo on the south-western outskirts of the city is an ideal destination for an excursion, with 160 animal species and 650 animals on display. These include numerous exotic animals such as giant snakes and parrots. Brown bears with their cubs, wolves, lions, tigers and lynxes are also on display.
A wooden mill, a half-timbered cottage and a small drawbridge make up the cultural history section of the museum.
So you can set off on your further tour of the town well equipped and first take a look at the old half-timbered granaries near the castle (Bergstraße/Wallstraße). They bear witness to Ueckermünde as an old trading town. In Wallstraße, Grabenstraße and along the Ueckerlauf, you can also still see old helmsmen's houses with crippled hipped roofs. They were once typical of the townscape.
The reconstructed Art Nouveau façades in the main shopping street and on the market square are also worthy of note. The Saegebarth half-timbered house in the former district of Neuhof, which is still clad in planks, and the stepped gable house east of the Ueckerbrücke bridge at Klockenberg 29 are two once characteristic buildings of the town, which is over 725 years old.
St. Mary's Church was built in 1766 on the site of a Gothic predecessor. Its interior from the construction period and its neo-Gothic tower, built in 1863, are just as impressive and characterize the old town skyline as the castle tower.
Ueckermünde burned down several times and was destroyed so badly during the Thirty Years' War that in 1648 only ten houses are said to have been habitable and only 15 people were among the survivors, out of the original 1600 inhabitants. After the town on the navigable Uecker river belonged to Sweden from 1648 and fell to Prussia in 1720, the population returned to 2770 in 1831. The brick industry flourished and several iron foundries were established. Today, Ueckermünde is the district town of Neubrandenburg, surrounded by coniferous forest and heath.
Marina Information
Max Depth | 3 m |
Phone | +49 151 64910748 |
Please enable Javascript to read | |
Website | https://www.ueckermuende.de/stadthafen |





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