
Marina near Barsebäckshamn

Last edited 25.01.2023 at 14:46 by NV Charts Team


55° 45’ 24.6” N


12° 54’ 10.1” E


Small fishing and marina just north of the Barsebäck nuclear power station

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is possible day and night. At night, keep the pier light (Iso.RG.4s) and the red fixed light at 88° in line - up to the buoyed channel leading to the harbour entrance (target depth 2.7m). Note the shoal "Kulorma" south of the harbour, marked with a red fairway buoy (Fl.R.3s)


Guests can moor in free boxes (green signs) or with harbour master permission at the fishing pier at 2 - 3 m water depth.


The harbour with STF guest harbour standard offers good sanitary facilities, hardly any service facilities and limited food supply. The nuclear power plant harbour, 1 nm south of it, may not be entered.

NV Land Guide

The nearby nuclear power plant, just two kilometres south of the harbour, does not give rise to holiday feelings. It is the most controversial building on the Sound and extremely unpopular with the Danes because of its proximity to Copenhagen. The protests from the west side of the Sound left the Swedes largely unimpressed. The nuclear power plant was built and caused a serious crisis between the two countries. In addition, a Swedish law required nuclear power plants to be located a great distance from population centers - but only in Sweden itself. In contrast, proximity to the Danish capital was not considered against the law, which particularly angered the Danes. Since then, they have looked with grimness at the huge building on the opposite bank of the Øresund. Since Chernobyl, however, the subject of nuclear energy has also been a highly sensitive one in Sweden, where the country suffered greatly from the radioactive fallout of the super disaster due to unfavourable wind directions. Thousands of tons of contaminated reindeer meat had to be destroyed, among other things.

The radiation doses permitted for humans were exceeded many times over, and as a result of the accident, Sweden decided to phase out nuclear energy. Since then, Barsebäckshamn's nuclear power plant has been a critically eyed legacy from the pre-Chernobyl era and absolutely no eye candy on the shores of the Sound.

Red wooden huts and storage sheds belonging to recreational fishermen stand at Barsebäckshamn's harbour, whose most eye-catching building is the yellow clubhouse with a lookout tower. There is a small provisions shop in the settlement by the harbour, but better supplies are available in the village of Barsebäck, three kilometres away. On the way there, you will pass Gillhög on the right, a very well preserved Bronze Age passage grave. The beach at Barsebäckshamn is stony and swimming is not recommended because of the current.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.7 m


Phone +46 705 775969







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