

Last edited 16.04.2024 at 15:49 by NV Charts Team


55° 28’ 43.3” N


11° 4’ 53.7” E


Small, uninhabited private island in Musholm Bay.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the anchorage is from the east and is only possible during the day. You have to keep clear of the stony shoal "Pulle". Passage between the islands of Musholm and Nordholm is not possible. Several designated fish farms are to be observed.


There are anchorages well sheltered from southerly and westerly winds at 3 - 4m water depth on the east side of the island. The small private jetty can be used for overnight stays.


There is no possibility of supply and also no drinking water or the usual shower with toilet. The island is under nature protection and offers a breeding place for many sea birds. However, it may be entered except for the southeastern part. The neighbouring fish farm pollutes the water.

NV Land Guide

The islet off the west coast of Zealand is characterized by all the things that are not here: no telephone, no merchant, no electricity - just nothing. Of course, Musholm enthusiasts will protest the claim, because after all, the islet offers a beautiful natural harbour, a (albeit not very high) cliff and a (albeit rocky) beach.

So anyone who feels comfortable away from civilisation and appreciates the island's barren landscape should drop anchor here and, above all, observe two prohibitions on the island, which is only inhabited intermittently: First, no campfires may be lit and second, no dogs may be allowed ashore. The second rule serves to protect the animals on the island.

Marina Information



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