Lindaunis Brücke - Sperrgebiet/ Restricted area

Navinfo near Stubbe

Last edited 12.07.2024 at 10:10 by NV Charts Team


54° 35’ 1.5” N


9° 49’ 13.9” E


Valid from 05.04.2023
Valid until 31.12.2025


From Friday, 7 April 2023, the Schleibrücke bridge will be open to shipping again. Until the temporary bridge is put into operation for users in the fall of 2023, ships will be able to pass unhindered and continuously.

The passage through the Lindaunis road and rail bridge is still restricted due to construction work on pier 3. A bracket scaffold has been hung around pier 3, which currently reduces the passage width by approx. 2.00m. Pier 3 is located on the starboard side of the fairway. In order to prevent a ship from driving into the console scaffolding, floating equipment has been positioned in the line of the green dolphin BD 3 and the southeast cantilevered console on pier 3.

Shipping is hereby requested to navigate the area with extreme caution.

Further information on the Project page of Deutsche Bahn.

The restricted area has been divided into two individual areas and a green and red fairway buoy has been set for the approach to the passage.


Rolf.schomburg, Anne
Heute 1.5.24 geht die Brücke bisher (13h) nicht auf!
01.05.2024 13:17
Peter, Lija
Achtung die Grün Phasen sind anscheinend per Zeitintervall geregelt, das Grün für die Durchfahrt kommt, auch wenn es lange dauert und niemand mehr von der anderen Seite zu sehen ist. Fahrt nicht vorher durch. Wasserschutz ist tlw. vor Ort und hilft.
01.04.2024 16:11

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