Schleuse Weener

Navinfo near Weener

Last edited 08.07.2024 at 22:39 by NV Charts Team


53° 10’ 5.3” N


7° 22’ 4” E


Contact harbormaster lock:

Tel: 049511691

mob: 017620540650

Email: [email protected]

Lock hours 2022:

April to October, each from 08:00 clock - 19:00 clock from 2 hours after low tide to 3 hours before low tide, each at the half hour (lock out) and the full hour (lock in).

Friday, Saturday and Sunday until 21:00.

Pre-registration with the harbormaster possible.

The use of the lock is subject to a fee for all vessels.
Each entry and exit, even if it is done with the gates open, is subject to a fee.


Jörg Schwettmann, Old Fellow
Sehr freundlich, bin spontan hier eingekehrt und komme bestimmt wieder 👍👍
08.07.2024 22:39
Karl van Laak, Ela
Kostenpficht nur zwischen Oktober und April.
07.12.2022 18:04

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