Fehmarnbelt - Tunnelbaustelle


Last edited 04.09.2024 at 13:31 by NV Charts Team


54° 34’ 2.9” N


11° 17’ 56.2” E


Valid from 02.09.2024
Valid until 31.12.2024

Due to the construction work on the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel, two concrete restricted areas have been set up on both sides of the Kiel-Baltic Sea route in the tunnel construction area:

The restricted areas are continuously shifted according to need and are shown on the map as of 02 September 2024.

  • The "OWA North" area is marked with 8 yellow-red-yellow light buoys with cross toppz, Fl(3)Y.10s and AIS-AtoNs.
  • The area "OWA South" is marked with 8 yellow-red-yellow light buoys with cross toppz, Fl(2+1)Y.15
  • Until further notice, there is a static restricted area east of the tunnel construction route on the Danish side 


Due to the continuous adaptation to the construction progress, the representation of the restricted areas is not realistically possible on the map.
The on-site buoy position must therefore be observed.
If necessary, further information can be obtained from VTS Fehmarnbelt (VHF68/16).


Claudia Burmester , ASTRAL
19.07.2023 10:21
Helmut Heyden
27.06.2023 11:28
Actinia Frui Vitae, Actinia
10.01.2022 07:32

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