
Navinfo near Schönwalde-Glien (Schönwalde-Dorf)

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:36 by NV Charts Team


52° 36’ 59” N


13° 8’ 43.3” E


The Havel Canal is 34.6 km long.
AT 2.0 m (from Km 0-34.62), AT 2.3m (Km 17.5-34.6 from Brieselang to the confluence with the UHW).
DH 4.7m at MW. Between the UHW and Wustermark 6.10m, overhead lines have heights over 12m. The upstream passage is from the UHW towards the HOW.
Unless further restricted by shore signs, the zHG is 8 km/h. Sailing is prohibited. Professional navigation has absolute priority.

Potsdam Water Police (Ketzin branch)
Tel.: 0331- 96 88 424 (or emergency call 110)
Responsible for the Havel Canal between the Schönwalde lock (km 4.7) and the mouth of the Lower Havel Waterway (km 34.9)
Responsible for the Havel Canal east of the Schönwalde lock is the Lehnitz police station
Tel.: 03301-85 00 3.


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