Kurze Geschichte der Salgewinnung


Last edited 21.07.2022 at 02:03 by NV Charts Team


38° 51’ 27.2” N


1° 22’ 43.5” E


In 654 BC, Phoenician Carthaginians founded a colony in the east of Ibiza (Eivissa) to exploit the salt area.
In 123 BC, the Balearic Islands were conquered by Quintus Caecilius Metellus and the Romans named Ibiza town Ebesus. The inhabitants did not have to pay tribute, but continued to produce salt.
In 1229, the Christians reconquered Ibiza during the Reconquista and "Ses Salines" became the most important salt area in the Mediterranean. For centuries "Ses Salines" belonged to the Spanish crown.
In 1709 it was leased to the merchant Joan Baptista Visconti from Genoa.
In 1977 there was the first movement to protect the area and in 2001 "Ses Salines" was declared a nature reserve.

Salt is still extracted in "Ses Salines" today - in 2016 approx. 65,000 t on 450 ha. The price per ton has dropped from 24,-€ to 19,-€. 19,000 t of salt are shipped to Northern Europe for de-icing and the majority for stockfish processing in the Faroe Islands and Denmark.


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