Koločep - Insel Koločepski Kanal - Info

Sightseeing near Koločep

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:09 by NV Charts Team


42° 40’ 19.3” N


18° 0’ 40.9” E


The island of Koločep, also called "Kalamota" by the locals, belongs to the Elaphiti archipelago, that group of islands off Dubrovnik. Koločep is the smallest of the three inhabited islands of the archipelago with 2 small villages, Gornje Čelo in the southeast and Donje Čelo in the north of the island.

There are beautiful cycling and hiking trails on the island, a 30 minute walk connects the two villages. The paths lead along olive groves and pine groves and provide beautiful views over the landscape. The highest mountains are Kameno Brdo (97 m) and Križ (125 m).

The earliest known traces of human settlement date back to the time of ancient Greece. Later, the island belonged to the "Republic of Ragusa" ( Republic of Dubrovnik) and since the 16th century was a summer dome destination for the rich citizens. The 2.000 inhabitants lived from seafaring with 65 ships that sailed in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea and were built on the island. In 1571 the Ottomans attacked the island and forced the "Republic of Ragusa" to pay a large ransom to free its inhabitants.

The island was the center for coral

divers and today is a popular diving destination. On the south side of the island lies the  Blue Grotto definitely an experience - swimming or kayaking to see the inside of the cave.


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