
Sightseeing near Rogačić

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 09:00 by NV Charts Team


43° 2’ 43.4” N


16° 9’ 5.9” E


The island was already in 3000 BC. 1000 years later the Ilyrians conquered the island. The tyrant of Sirracusa, Dimitrius the Elder, founded the colony of Issa on Vis in 397 BC, with colonies in Lumbarda, Korcula, Trogir and Stobrec. In 219 BC Vis and the Republic of Issa were occupied by the Romans, and the Ilyrian king Agron I. and queen Teuta had to accept Roman rule. and the queen Teuta had to recognize the Roman rule.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476) Vis had to recognize the Goths and then Byzantium. Croatian settlement on the island of Vis began in the 7th century and in 997 Vis was conquered and destroyed by Venice. Since 1420 Vis was under the Venetian rule. In 1797, after the peace treaty concluded in Campoformi, Vis was ceded to the Austrian Emperor and came under the French rule. In 1811 the French-Italian fleet suffered defeat and the island came under English occupation. In 1814, the Vienna Congress returned the island to Austria until 1918, when it was occupied by Italy. In 1921 it was assigned to the Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. In 1941 it became part of Italy again until 1943, when it became a war base for the Yugoslav partisan army.


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