
Sightseeing near Ulcinj (Meraja)

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 08:40 by NV Charts Team


41° 55’ 43.8” N


19° 12’ 32.6” E


The old town of Ulcinj is one of the oldest urban fortifications on the Adriatic. Through the Illyrian walls a cultural, historical monument of world importance, with the citadel, the network of streets, markets and town squares. The city walls have been destroyed and rebuilt many times in wars, preserving the beauty of this ancient city.
The old town has picturesque narrow, winding streets typical of the Middle Ages, densely packed two- and three-storey stone houses, Renaissance, Baroque and buildings from the Ottoman period. In the 6th century the city had two gates: the eastern one, the access to the sea and the western one the gate to the land side.
On the upper, highest level is the citadel fortress with the tower that dominates the old town. Later, the Ottomans built the third floor of the Balšić Tower as well as the spherical dome on the ground floor. This magnificent building offers views of the sea from three sides and is considered one of the most representative buildings of medieval architecture in Montenegro and is now a gallery.
The fortress with the Venetian Palace was probably the residence of the Venetian administrator for Ulcinj. Not far from it, on the southern level of the old town, is the "Dvori Balšića", both buildings are used today as luxury accommodation for.


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