
Sightseeing near Stari Bar

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 08:40 by NV Charts Team


42° 5’ 41.3” N


19° 7’ 40.9” E


Archaeological findings are from the Neolithic period. I n the 6th and 7th centuries Slavs occupied the Balkans Stefan Vojislav (ruler 1018-1043), the eponymous founder of the Vojislavljević dynasty, defeated the Byzantines in a battle on a hill near Bar. From 1101 to 1166, the principality was ruled by the Vukanović dynasty and Bar was under Byzantine rule. From 1443 to 1571 the region was ruled by Venice , which called it Antivari , as part of the Albanian Veneta.The Ottomans conquered Antivari (Bar) in 1571 and held the city until 1878.
The Ottomans ceded Antivari to Montenegro in the Treaty of Berlin. Montenegro renamed the city Bar.


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