Dahme - Regattastrecke Grünau

Navinfo near Berlin (Grünau)

Last edited 15.07.2023 at 08:29 by NV Charts Team


52° 24’ 41.9” N


13° 35’ 56.3” E


At the regatta course between Rohrwallinsel and the grandstand in Grünau you have to sail close under the north shore (very narrow fairway, row of dolphins). In the area of the regatta course the speed is limited to 7 km/h, sailing is prohibited. Between the hydraulic structures (railway markings) and the south-west shore, passage is prohibited.


Karsten , Mermaid
Segeln ist nicht verboten. Das Kreuzen ist auf einer Teilstrecke untersagt.
15.07.2023 08:29

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