Britzer Kreuz


Last edited 03.04.2024 at 09:20 by NV Charts Team


52° 27’ 33.5” N


13° 27’ 21.1” E


This is where the Neuköllner Canal and the Britzer Verbindungskanal branch off from the Teltow Canal. If you want to go to the eastern Berlin lake district, you can go straight ahead via the Britzer Verbindungskanal to the Spree-Oder waterway.

The Neuköllner-Schifffahrtskanal, which branches off to the north at the Britz-Ost port, connects the Teltow Canal with the Landwehr Canal and the Osthafen on the Spree-Oder waterway. Length 4.1 km.
WT at MW approx. 2.2 m, TT 2 m.
DH at MW 3.4 m.
zHG 8 km/h.

An automated self-service lock (Neukölln), lift 0.2 to 0.4 m. The canal is a state waterway of the state of Berlin.


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