
Navinfo near Paretz

Last edited 31.08.2022 at 13:25 by NV Charts Team


52° 27’ 39.1” N


12° 52’ 40.8” E


Here the Havel Canal, the western bypass of Berlin, branches off to the north. (see NV. Binnen Volume 2). It is not the most beautiful, but the shortest connection to the Havel-Oder-Waterway and to the waters of Ruppin and Mecklenburg. You save yourself the trouble of navigating the heavily frequented Berlin waters. The DH is 4.6m, the zHG. 8 km/h.
The more beautiful, but more time-consuming routes, lead straight ahead over the Sacrow-Paretzer canal or southwards over the Potsdam Havel to Berlin. Via the Havel lakes there, one then also reaches the Havel-Oder waterway.

Here the Potsdamer Havel branches off to the south. Until the construction of the Sacrow-Paretzer Canal in 1874, this route was the main waterway of the Lower Havel Waterway.


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