Norreborg (Ven)
Marina near Tuna
55° 55.204' NLongitude
12° 41.851' EDescription
Small, pretty fishing harbor on the north shore of Ven.
There is a small beach with fine sand west of the harbor.
NV Cruising Guide
The unfired port should only be approached during the day. Then, however, there are - if not just strong onshore wind - hardly any problems when entering. One should note the occasionally hard-setting current close under land.
The small harbor offers little space for guest berths. Some yachts can moor in the northern and eastern part of the harbor on 2-2.5 m water depth at the pier, or in green marked boxes. The depth is in the boxes partly under 2m!
When the wind blows from the east, there is swell in the whole harbor.
Except for the sanitary facilities, there are no other facilities. In summer, a food truck is on site from 11-16 h.
NV Land Guide
The small northern harbor of the island of Ven, with its meager facilities, bears the name of a Viking fortress that was located southwest of the harbor. The lowland, it is believed, was once a natural harbor where fleets gathered at that time. Of this small bay, only a wooded bog south of the harbor remains.
Norreborg today consists of a dozen vacation cottages and a few houses, including a ruin of an 18th-century brick kiln.
On the only inland road, you pass the said bog and after 500 meters you pass the vacation village of Backafalls Byen, consisting of white, low wooden houses, with the restaurant " Backafalls Kroen" (see plan). The sights of the island are listed at the port Kyrkbacken.
Marina Information
Max Depth | 2.5 m |
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