Befahrungsregeln Nationalpark(NordSBefV) / Navigation in National Parks

Navinfo near Hamburg

Last edited 05.01.2025 at 21:10 by NV Charts Team


53° 56.651' N


8° 27.726' E


The new North Sea Navigation Ordinance (NordSBefV) serves to protect nature as well as the animal and plant world and is essentially divided into three areas: navigation bans, behavior in protected areas and speed limits.

In general, the rule is that you can sail and anchor freely outside the protected areas!

No boating:
Within the protected areas, windsurfing is only permitted in designated areas (marked on the NV chart), while water skiing, jet skiing and parasailing are generally prohibited.

All year round, boating outside the fairways is only permitted on the specified protected area routes 1 and 2. These are shown in gray dashed lines on the NV Charts nautical chart. During the protection periods for seals, birds or seagrass beds, navigation is generally prohibited in the special protection areas. Exceptions are the marked fairways. Navigation is permitted in Zone 1, but falling dry is only permitted in designated areas (in NV map with red anchor) and within a 200 m radius. The previous 3-hour rule for Zone 1 no longer applies.

Leaving watercraft in protected areas is only permitted in exceptional cases.

Speed limits:
A maximum of 12 knots is permitted between the mainland and the islands and Halligen. Depending on the permissibility of navigation, a maximum of 8 knots is permitted in special protection areas outside the fairway. A maximum of 16 knots is permitted in fairways outside special protection areas. Only commercially used watercraft may travel at up to 24 knots in high-speed corridors or certain fairways under specific conditions.

Further information can be found at


Stephen Friedrich, eekboom
The link given here does not work: "Die aufgerufene Ressource ist leider nicht vorhanden." Further information can be found at
05.01.2025 21:10

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